Update 1.3 - The Anniversary Update

It's almost been a whole year since Reel-istic Fishing launched on August 7th...

This game has gone so much farther than I thought it ever would. Thank you all so much for playing <3

I am happy with where the game is at right now, which is why the updates have dropped off a bit. And the code is genuinely awful, which makes it almost impossible to do anything major without risking the structural integrity of the whole game. But I wanted to do one final update to celebrate one year, so that's what this is! It's not a huge update by any means, but I wanted to tie up a couple loose ends, and add a couple things in.

Patch notes!!

  • Added a new tackle.
  • Added two new fish.
  • Lowered the price of two end-game items to make them easier to obtain.
  • Increased the price of the slide whistle and the cow can to 20 corals each.
  • Fixed a bug in the journal where black lines would draw below and to the right of the fish spawn conditions (no idea why this became an issue lol).
  • Fixed a bug where the hat wouldn't show as collected when VeggieVision is turned on.
  • Added a sign to tutoreel island. Hopefully this will help new players figure out that they need to use the map to leave.
  • Added a message under the secret code on the back of the journal. Hopefully this will explain better what it does.
  • Fixed a crash possibly caused by Crazy Harpooning? (Thank you Nnnn for bringing this to my attention!)
  • Freshened up the shop's outside sprite a bit.
  • Fixed a bug in the pause menu clock where minutes 1-9 would show as 10, 20, 30, and so on.
  • Possibly fixed hot spots not respawning? Who knows... lol. Very annoying bug.
  • Added a missing period to one of the fish descriptions

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Thank you for the update!


I have loved this game from day 1. I sure hope you have some other stuff in the works or maybe a sequel!! Keep up the great work!!!